Third Order Servites
Meet on the last Sunday of the month to pray the rosary at 12:15 p.m. A meeting will take place following the rosary in the parish hall.
contact information? Member leaders? How to join? Images?
The Secular Order of Servants of Mary (Servites)
We the Secular Order of the Servants of Mary consist of lay men and women who united by our Christian baptism and directed by the Holy Spirit in the path to holiness, wish to align and unite ourselves in the Service of Christ and our sisters and brothers in the world by drawing on the inspiration of Mary, Mother and Servant of our Savior Jesus Christ. We look to Mary as a guiding image leading us to a life of simplicity and service, totally dedicated to God. We regard her as the perfect model for a disciple of Jesus and dedicate ourselves entirely to her, honoring her especially as the Virgin of Sorrows. In our family and our social life we commit to follow the path of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servants of Mary.
We continue to commit ourselves to deepening our knowledge of Mary and her place in the mystery of salvation through study and prayer, both personal and communal.
We meet once a month and pray Our Lady of Sorrows Rosary for various petitions including the sick and our departed brothers and sisters in the parish and in the larger community. We also gather a couple of times a year and invite the parish to pray with us Our Lady of Sorrows Novena for the sick in the parish and the larger community. We take an active part in Mass and whenever possible, participate in the Mass of the local Servite community.
As the Servite Community we would like to recruit more members and be able to better reach out in the community to serve those in greater need.